05 Jan 2025 Reading for U.S.A.
U.S.A. 2025 Reading
Ofun Oworin The least expensive has turned out to be the most expensive
Osa Ejionle (ayewo) After the fat has fried we will see the crisp that remains.
Obara Meji (iku) He who knows does not die like he who does not know.
Ogunda Odi (otonowa) Don’t ask what you already know. Look before you and divine the riddle
Irosun Meji (closed) The perfectly normal child has gone bad due to lack of care.
a) Put a white flag in your house and a yellow flag outside for Osun this year.
b) Ori appeasement, head feeding, rogations this year to Obatala for mental clarity .
Put efun on the crown of your head to keep calm at least once per week.
c) Do not sleep in the dark. Pay attention to disturbing dreams.
Disturbances in house and dreams.
d) Periodically clean yourself off with 10 eggs in front of Oya to remove blockages from your aura. Body mind spirit
If you don’t have a shrine then perform the ritual in front of Esu/Elegba or in the woods
Stand on the bare ground, hold the eggs in a bowl, state your intention and begin to pray and pass the eggs over the body, always going from head to toe not toe to head . Be sure to cleanse the top of your head.
When finished take it and discard it in the garbage or dumpster in a paper bag not plastic and then throw the eggs so they will all break.
If you know how to throw coconut or obi then ask where they can go
e) Wear white often.
1)Concerted efforts to get along, not argue, not fight, not accuse, not belittle.
Find a way to uplift ourselves and everybody around us.
Do everything we can in the USA to combat negativity in ourselves, individually,, personally , in our communities and then it will radiate to the world.
2) Trust in the God in you and all around you.
3) Be proactive with health issues, physical and mental health.
4) There will be opportunity for financial gain,however look clearly as to the bottom line of agreements and contracts more that you would have in the past.
5) This is not a good time to be just going out to hang out. Be careful in large crowds because that would attract phenomena or weird things. When we are not walking around with a purpose or objective, then we might be drawn into situations where vagrant malefic energy can harm you.
6) Bathe often with protection soaps, baths and other spiritual medicines to ensure your success.
7) Keep your homes well lit even when sleeping , Don’t open doors without knowing who or what is on the other side. Be careful of robberies so use protective measures.
Good time for families to have emergency plans
8) Great opportunity to connect to family on a regular basis this year for emotional support and ancestral grounding.
9) The Odu Ofun also alludes to the importance of respecting elders.
Its important this year to address issues of ageism where young people and older people are not working together by the older people and vice versa. Services and rituals to Obatala can help in bringing harmony.
10) Great benefits can come to the family from enhancing your shrines of Obatala this year.
11)We may hear of class action suits surrounding environmental issues,medical malpractice about births and infants.
12) Be mindful of getting involved with things that we don’t understand spiritually and putting yourself in harm’s way. The motto of this year should be “Don’t be afraid to ask. and get to the source”.
13) Those of us who are in the faith need to study and understand. Ask questions if you don’t understand.
14) Do your homework, do diligeance so we don’t perpetuate negativity because the eagle is already burning and crashing. Don’t contribute to that kind of chaos and bring that negativity on ourselves and in our homes. Do a lot of spiritual cleansing in your homes to shift energy
Make sure we’re following all the prescriptions we have been given to do our spiritual work.
A lot of baths, a lot of head feedings, a lot of cleansings, keeping our homes neat and orderly, so the energy of negativity has no place to hide. Being careful who you open the door to.
15) Take very good care of your ancestor altars and shrines. Sitting in meditation is very important this year to add a layer of protection and strengthen your intuitive ability, so that as you’re moving in and around the world, you have a clear connection with the guidance to know what to do, what not to do.
16) Through the study of Odu and also the Tree of Life in our curriculum we understand everything starts on the spirit level, and if it’s not balanced it’ll eventually manifest in the physical level. It’s important to take care and invest in your health and wellness by resting, eating correctly and excersize to maximize your potential for success in all areas of your life. Your health is your wealth.
17) Take care of your body, by knowing its warning signs so if something strange or unusual presents itself you could know what may seem to be a spiritual malady may in fact be physical condition or spiritual manifestation of something to come, and you should check that out.
Develop a good and clear relationship with your spiritual and physical physician to be well and balanced all the way around.
18) Create and maintain a strong prayer line with family this year through zoom or in person to avoid separateness, confusion and negative energy.
19) There will be issues brought to the forefront in America for the first time that will draw the attention and support of other countries. This could bring global unification on the issue of shelterless people, human trafficking, etc.
Vonnita M Gordon
Posted at 15:30h, 08 JanuaryAfternoon, Yeyefini; I’m happy to have made contact with you. I want to have a consultation with you regarding scheduling a reading. Is this possible without my breath? I am planning on moving out of my Washington, DC Apartment to my home in Jamaica
Carlotta Hill
Posted at 01:37h, 09 JanuaryPeace and blessings Iya, Happy New Year. Thanks for sharing the 2025 reading.