Reading for the United states 2021

Reading for the United states 2021

• Ejionle Obara (ruling)
• Ogunda Ejionle (Ire*)
• Irosun Meiji (Aiku)
. Irosun Ejionle Mojale

Ejionle Obara

• Proverb- He who swallows the bone pleases the throat.
• We will be able to see and to know humility. This will be a year of much honoring and praise to Obatala.
• Put a white flag in your house so Obatala will allow us to see that the choices that we make are the choices we will live with.
• This is an opportunity for us to come out wiser as a nation.
• Those of us who are doing ritual, ceremonies and spiritual connection to the God of our own understanding and have been asking for community, asking for a godparent, teachers, therapist, for elders, for advice, and so on, are the ones who will reap the rewards of this year 2021
• 2021 will be a year where we will have to decide and be committed to do everything for us to choose peace in the midst of doubt and conflict
• This is the year for us to recognize the value of living in America. As Americans we have had a rough ride and at times even the strongest and most noble have given into periodically to speaking negatively and unconsciously sending energy towards the country’s weaknesses and flaws. We have the ability to come together in defense of injustice, cruelty racism, fear and hatred. Now more than ever is the time for us to rediscover the value of living in this country where many of our ancestors died for us to live free. Many died in order to build this nation It is a time to raise the flag high in honor of their sacrifices and push, organic and represent what USA represents to the world
Though we may have financial challenges, some businesses closing, however a new way of doing business will emerge. Great opportunity for new business ventures
• He who swallows the bone pleases the throat- Anything that you want that seems too big or overwhelming, approach them slowly knowing that in the end it will be yours. This will be a time for the nation to swallow truths about itself and decide if it believes in the principles of honesty, integrity, accountability, justice, love, hope and brotherhood
This is a time for a new campaign slogan that will unite the hope of the people
• If you are a reiki practitioner, do a lot of work with your throat chakra.
• This odu speaks of finding peace and love for yourself.
Think before you speak. Think of the effects these words will have on you before you speak it because this odu says that whatever you speak in the United States will manifest.
• This is the year that anything that you speak will manifest itself.
• Speak from your own truth. Don’t get involved with biting everyone else’s bone. Focus on you and the effect that you have.
• There will be many people outside of the United States that will look to the Unites States for hope.
• The United States will be able to swallow its pride and put forth the truth about what it means to be an American.
• Whatever you are asking for, speak it with authority. This is the Odu where Kings are born. This is the odu that you are a King.
• This is the odu where you tell the person to wear leopard because wherever you are your spots haven’t changed, you remained who you are. You are humbled enough to know that as a leader you have the responsibility to move forward.
• This is the Odu where you tell the person to paint their Shango half red and half white.
• If you are trying to expand your land or your kingdom, wear leopard with red.
• This Odu speaks of honoring Olokun.
• This year take care of your bones. Develop a stretching routine so that your joints don’t lock up and you are flexible.
• Wear white often to honor Obatala.
• Take very good care of your Ori. Do extra head feedings in addition to the once a month. Honor your Ori everyday. Do not use dark colors to cover your head this year.
• Honor Shango, Ogun, Elegba, and your ancestors.
• This odu speaks of creatures of the night. Cleanse your house periodically. If you have a child that sleepwalks, get cotton that has seeds in it and put it in the child’s pillow.
• Clean your house often spiritually
• Dedicate a day every week to wear white for Obatala

Ogunde Ejionle is the ire.

• The kind of fighting and arguments that is going on in the the United States is an opportunity to choose the side of justice, peace and love of humanity.
• Be mindful of some type of eruption that cause one to choose sides
• Make sure that the things you are passionate about and believe in that you use peace first. Be compassionate during arguments.
• Always find a way of compromise and tact. Be more diplomatic in your approach.

Irosun Meiji

• Do lots of rituals to Olokun and the ocean. Every time you around water make a prayer. Continue to pray over the water you drink.
• Good year to receive Olokun
• Olokun will help you to have deeper appreciation and longer life. Ask Olokun to bring up all the things you cannot see that are for you.
• Give great honor to Orisha Oko for money and wealth and starting new ventures.
• If you have any shrine that you have neglected, this is a good time to wake up your shrine.
• This is a good time for you to reconnect to your spiritual practices.

Osa Meji

• This is a year for any marriage that is having troubles to deepen your foundation.
• This is a year to dig deep and strengthen your foundations.
• Do foundation work in your relationships/friendships/ business/ endeavors


• Do a lot of stretching to remain flexible and take care of your bones.
• Wear a lot of white.
• Have a day dedicated to Obatala.
• Clean yourself off with bones. Put Efun on bones and clean yourself off with them to ward off complications with bones

Ejonle Meiji Closed.

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