07 Mar Osun’s cycle of Spring is coming so be prepared
- Sunday Domingo, first Sunday of the month of March. As we bend our knees, pour libation, salute or sacred spaces, prepare food and drink for our spirits as a way to connect to the divine within ….let’s remember to prepare for the upcoming New moon. Join us today on YouTube and Facebook live 317/2021 at 7:00 pm EST to learn how.
The Moon takes approximately 29.5 days to complete one orbit of the Earth, completing one lunar cycle and starting another with a the phase known as a New Moon.
The New Moon in March will take place at 10.21pm on Saturday 13 March
What is the New Moon in Pisces?
Be prepared to be more aware of your surroundings as the moon in Pisces strikes a chord with your sensitive side, developing a perceptiveness of the people around you.
Feelings of insecurity are common but stand firm and wait to see how things work out before taking a wrong turn. Explore your creative side and benefit from great imagination.
The Pisces moon is also said to have influence over certain organs – including feet and toes – which will become more sensitive during this time, and require extra care.
This is a great time to spend some time dipping your feet in a mixture of river, spring or lake water as you bring healing and open up channels of potential and new steps into your intentions
Mix 1 cup if river water, lavender oil and rose oil to a bucket of warm water, light a white candle and visualize where you want to be at the Full moon March 28 Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.– John Lennon - Have a beautiful preparation for the wonderful upcoming New moon in Pisces and Oshun
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Kitty Pope
Posted at 16:16h, 07 MarchThanks for this post. Yeyefini. I am Pisces and I will do the rituals!