28 Oct All souls and All Saints day Dia de los Muertos
Appreciate all things in your life, both the big and little things are important.
When we appreciate the different parts of life we bring awareness of God’s grace upon us and we open the door to even more blessings.
God/Spirit/Source gives us so many blessings that we oftentimes take them for granted. In our culture of modernity, we can easily get distracted from our blessing by comparing and not connecting to what really has value.
We sometimes complain and find fault in everything we experience in any given moment. The way some drivers jump in front of you in traffic, the way your teenagers are acting like teenagers LOL. The way you gotta get up and go to a job when you wish you could sleep in for hours, and of course the way you can’t figure out which button to push on your computer to make your life a masterpiece.
If you are like me just trying to make sense out of nonsense then let’s do this !!
Today let’s take 3 minute to sit, make a list, write down some of the major struggles and hardship we’ve been through in our lives
Write the jobs you’ve had, the relationships you outgrew or failed, the people who hurt you, the whipping you had from parents LOL Write down the illnesses you’ve faced, the operations you went through, the loved ones you lost, the many times you failed an important goal, the time you were betrayed, disappointed with someone’s behavior towards you, the many times you lost hope, the numerous times you were told NO when you were looking for a YES.!!
Keep writing for the 3 minutes I am sure you can add some more stuff
Once you have made your list, read it over slowly right now. Read it everyday for 7 days..
Put the list in a place in your home where you can read it from time to time when you need a reality check and self- encouragement
You’ll come to realize how blessed, strong, loved ,fortunate, diligent, capable and how amazing of a person you really are.
You’ll realize the value you’ve added to your life from these experiences. In fact you would look at them as gold nuggets in your life you thought were just stones or boulders in the road of your desires and the successful life you’ve made for yourself.
Stay encouraged my friend. You have a divine purpose and sacred path that only you can fulfill perfectly for you
This path was given to you by Orisa/ God/Source and is supported by your ancestor’s hopes and dreams for you.
As many prepare to celebrate Halloween, All Soul’s day and All Saints’ Day October 31-November 1, Remember to appreciate those whose shoulders you are standing on.
Eku Ojo T’Egun
Orisa Bi Egungun Kosi
( There is no God without our ancestors)
Link in bio

Oshunrire James
Posted at 12:57h, 28 OctoberAse!!!
Tekania Swan
Posted at 09:23h, 29 OctoberThank you. Was needed today. Blessings