Author: yeyefini

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Blessed full moon my friends. It’s Ose Ogun Osossi and Orisa Oko. 2/16/2022=6 universal day of putting  your spiritual and emotional muscle to work. This wonderful full moon in Leo ♌️ allows us to take some time for self inquiry. This isn’t about whether or not...

Thanks very much to everyone who joined me on my Ask Yeyefini Show on Saturday via YouTube and Facebook live. My guest was my Black History Month Hero . My mother Ms Ruby Mercedes who completes her 102 birthday on this Wednesday February 9th. Her interview...

Jan 31, 2022 - This is a fantastic day to make some real progress at work,  and from the look of things you’ll be more than prepared to roll up your sleeves and get cracking. The intuitive Moon is moving through innovative Aquarius and your house...

Sunday, Domingo, Last Ose Ifa, Osun,Ori, Esu, Yemoja,Olokun, Egbe for the month of January. 1/30/2022=10=1 Universal Vibration. As we bend our knees, pour libation, attend to sacred spaces, listen to inspirational music, meditate, pray, cry, sing, jump for joy, or just sit in contemplative silence...

Wednesday, Miércoles, Ose Ifa 1/26/2022=15=6 What a wonderful opportunity to remind ourselves of our Odu , purpose, value, self worth, power and light. Through meditation, connecting to the breath and to Mother Nature we can shift the frequency of our inner light. I invite you today to...

Blessed Monday, 1/24/2022 Ose Songo and Oya. As we make plans for the upcoming month of February, let's challenge ourselves and raise the bar for success and abundance. Be the best King or Queen of your divine destiny. Show up with a smile instead of a...

I hope you find this helpful . This ceremony is to be performed on yourself unless you are a priest. If you do not have the proper antidotes for this ritual you can weaken your own spirit. Its an empowerment ritual How to do your own...

Mercury Retrograde and Esu/Elegba/Sebek month of Celebrations in the IIASK and spiritual family. It’s the time of year to awaken your childlike curiosity that’ll  allow your creativity to lead you to new unexplored possibilities for success joy, blessings and miracles. Set up a sacred... In this episode we are back by popular demand as we dig deeply again into the role of women in African Traditional Religion past and present. Our guests are priestesses We will talk about some of the cultural traditions that can influence the role of women in...