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Blessed Teaching Tuesday, Ose Songo and Oya. As we continue under the influence of our mother Goddess Oya, the Queen of transformation and death, how has she opened up your lungs, your sense of self, confidence and bravery. On my altar of Oya her crown...

It’s the weekend y'all. Do something nice for yourself before the breezy weather comes in. We can feel the chill in the air as Oya brings in the change of the season. Autumnal Equinox Detoxing juicing is in full gear. If you need info on...

Thank to everyone who joined me last night on the popular globally successful Ask Yeyefini ShowMy guest priestess spoke powerful words over us about their mother Oya. We shared valuable information on setting a sacred space for Oya during this season. I shared medicines, spiritual...

Please join me and my guest on the powerful popular, global ASK YEYEFINI SHOW Sunday September 5, at 7:00 PM, EST Facebook and YouTubeThe topic shared will be "Honoring Oya during her cycle of change, revolution and transformationPriestess Oyabunmi De Rosario will speak on how...

Blessed new month of September, Fall Equinox, Oya cycle of change and transformationThe Universal energy of change, fall season, transformation, evolution, death, separation, rivers and the marketplace is known by the Yoruba people of West Africa as the Goddess Queen Oya.During Oya’s season of change...

Good and blessed morning to you all my beloveds. Today is the day I have been planning for the past 6 months, it’s finally here. The 50th year and global honoring and celebration of my initiation into the magnificent priesthood of Orisa. Look how kind...

Sun’s day, Domingo, full moon sun in Virgo ,8/22/2021=17=8 universal Ose Obatala day vibration.As we bend our knees, pray, sing, pour libation, attend to shrines, connect to loved ones, go on a brisk early morning walks to have a love affair with the sun, jump...

Fillem up Fillem up, Fillemup Blessed Full Moon and upcoming Sun in VirgoGreat time to step out  of your comfort zone. it’s the celebration of the rebirth  the collective Universal Souls is experiencing. Obatala’s cycle of devotion to your higher frequency by being kind to...

I remember the day I took this photo in Republic of Panamá. My mother was leaving us to come to the USA,leaving me with a woman who’s spirit and mine clashed daily. The blessing of living with her for 2 1/2 years was that through...