blessed new month of december

blessed new month of december

Power, Presence, Promise and Blessing of the Winter season.

The month of December is filled with celebrations ,hope and a time of reflection. Closing out the year 2021 with a detox cleanse seems to me a good idea.

the Orisa Babaluaiye’s time for going deep within and making assessments of what has happened, how to change what no longer serves you and how to let go of things, people and circumstances you have outgrown. Just as the leaves on the trees die, fall and serve as fertilizer for the upcoming new season, so can we. The roots of the tree are holding on to the promise of spring with determination, focus while the external branches seem dead. Covid 19 Universal time-out has given us a year of transformation like nothing we’ve experienced before. For those of you who have been a part of my Yeyefini Balanced Living community know that this is my favorite time to go within with a 14 to 21 day Juice Detox Cleanse. I invite you to join me on this journey. Download my very interesting book MEANINGFUL MONDAYS right here on my website. It has a step by step process, list of delicious juices and inspirations to assist and encourage your journey. On my Ask Yeyefini Show this month I will share my annual process of setting up your Babaluaiye Altars to spiritually detox and empower you and your loved ones in preparation to welcome the New Year forecast. ( Babaluaiye is the Orisa whose energy governs discipline, endurance, health, and forgiveness)

This is a good time to spend time alone, meditating, setting intentions, journaling, cleansing, and releasing while building new blood cell, new spiritual muscle and renewing health, wellbeing for yourself, our community, nation, and the world.

Here are a few suggestions to assist in your new year adventure

ask yourself :

What is your intention for changing your health ,eating and life for the new year?
1)Make a list of everything you will have to do to achieve your goal
2) What will you need to put in place to keep motivated, disciplined and successful
3) What foods can you systematically take out of your diet and why?

Here are some of the things I implement in my life to help me stay balanced, get back on track when I am distracted, and avoid living in regret and denial LOL

  1. Spiritually: I get a spiritual consultation from my priests and mentor every 60 days
  2. Mentally: Every night before I go to sleep I write down my plans for the next day and make an assessment and gratitude of what went well or where i fell short of my intention
  3. Financially: Every month as an act of tithing, I donate to a charity
  4. Physically: I eat at least one large salad a day and make one meal of the day, a fresh squeezed juice
  5. Emotionally: I surround myself with people who are positive, uplifting and encouraging to my wellbeing, while i do the same for the

I sincerely wish you all a very wonderful Babaluaiye,, Winter Solstice experience my friend

“A Balanced Life Is A Source For Endless, Abundant Miracles When Mind, Matter, And Spirit Are Aligned”. ~Yeyefini Efunbolade

1 Comment
  • Kianga Jinaki’
    Posted at 19:19h, 01 December

    Love this Queen Mahvers. I appreciate your light.