07 Mar Blessed New Month of March
Let’s discover and enhance the energy of Osun, Oshun, Het Heru, Spring, global Vernal Equinox that resides in you. Congratulations to all of us who are embarking on the Spring Equinox Fast this year.
Spring is the New Year in many cultures. This is a time to clean out our bodies minds and spirits from the energy of the past winter slow, internally focused season.
It’s time to swing the doors of the adventure we call life. Oshun’s river in us is our blood stream. Our blood is the most important source in all aspects of our lives. It feeds our cells, organs passions, minds and spirits.
Please enjoy my 4 YouTube channel episodes on Who Is Osun/Oshun.
They are filled with powerful information, formulas and recommendations to encourage, uplift, and support you on your journey of love and life. For those joining us with this year’s Fruit and vegetables Detox Cleansing Fast, please download my ebook Meaningful Mondays on my website. This little gem of a book contains all the information you’ll need to know the importance of WHAT, WHEN, How and WHY of a simple easy 3,7,14 or 21 day cleansing not starving your body and much much more juicy stuff.
“A Balanced Life Is A Source For Endless, Abundant Miracles When Mind, Matter, And Spirit Are Aligned”. ~Yeyefini Efunbolade
Don’t Forget to Sign up for Part 2 of our Faith & Culture Webinar!

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