
Blessed Sunday Morning. As we bend our knees, pour libation, pray, sing, chant, attend to sacred shrines, invoke spirits, dance, cry, meditate, prostrate, gather as community, sit with family, or just sit alone in silent as you connect to the divine within...

Saying farewell to libra as we slide into Scorpio in a few days may cause us to feel all types of impulses and power surges. This is a good time to do a self enquiry as to exactly what you want to go boldly into....

Monday10/11/2021 =8 day Ose Ogun. Yesterday on Ose Ifa and Esu we had a wonderful service for the Iyami at our temple in Florida; However the retrograde snatched us up because I didn’t press the record button on the live call. I was so surprised...

Mercury Retrograde begins today for 21 daysWhat are your plans for this necessary astrological necessity?The universe is so intelligent that she allows us time to sit down, rediscover, realign, rethink, re-establish new paradigms in our life.Many planets go in to retrograde although Mercury is the...

Blessed Autumnal Equinox Honoring!!At times, I am left in awe when I see the genius of the Universe. The allknowing, Divine presence . . . Olodumare, God, Neter, Allah, the Source, Nature; whatever name we identify as the energy that gives us life and breath—that...

Blessed full mo0n on a number 7 day vibration of connecting to your spiritual power (9/20/2021=7) Its also Ose Ifa, the day to speak truth into your purpose and destiny. Fillem up, Fillem up , Fillem upLet’s open up all windows and doors wide and...

Blessed Teaching Tuesday, Ose Songo and Oya. As we continue under the influence of our mother Goddess Oya, the Queen of transformation and death, how has she opened up your lungs, your sense of self, confidence and bravery. On my altar of Oya her crown...