Day 9 of the Cleansing detoxing winter solstice process

Day 9 of the Cleansing detoxing winter solstice process

Congratulations to my fasting buddies… 5 days left to complete the 14 day process. I know you feel the change in your body mind and spirit. If you want to continue feel free to dig right in. I know you have gotten a deeper connection to the awesomeness of your body’s ability to communicate with you. Some of you have lost some inches and weight that may have snuck up on you from our universe time out ( COVID-19) experience . You can build more muscle by incorporating yoga, or some other form of body movement discipline. You are a blessed beautiful expression of the divine…. Now go out there as you remember my motto
“A Balanced Life Is A Source For Endless, Abundant Miracles When Mind, Matter, And Spirit Are Aligned”. ~Yeyefini Efunbolade-

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