07 Feb Insight About New Moon Manifestations
The New Moon on February 9th is encouraging us to take the time to look at our lists of intentions. Read them out loud. Draw a line through the ones that have manifested for you, rinse your crystals in rain water perhaps even do a 2 day juice detox. Continue sleeping with your list under your pillow as you await the Asupa Full moon magic of FILLEM Up in February.
The Aquarius New Moon begins a new chapter in our de-conditioning journey and inaugurates a lunar month centered around deepening our understanding of how our past and our traumas are still impacting us in the present.
Here is a link that could give you more insight as to this powerful Aquarian energy.
FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT JOINED US, ITS NOT TOO LATE to join this powerful 3 new moon blessing.
Here is the link to register:
Thank you
Yeyefini Efunbolade
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