31 Dec Newsletter January 2025
Abundant Blessings this New Moon and New Year season my friends!
Thanks very much for your loving support and contribution to our Yeyefini.com and (IIASK) International Institute of African Studies and Knowledge family. Together we reached many highs and a few lows as we tried to enjoy a year of expansion and prosperity. Power and Big Affairs prevailed.
Things happened in 2024 that startled the world. Good and not so good, but nonetheless we are still here; wiser, smarter and forever grateful for the sometimes illusive way the universe allowed us to see its power, magnitude and generosity.
As we step into the new vibration of number 9 year we are being invited to be more understanding, tolerant, loving, and compassionate in our expression to each other as citizens of the world.
Selfishness, greed, hatred, bitterness cannot flourish as we’ve witnessed for the last 8 years. Transformation, house cleaning, releasing old things that no longer serves us is the order of the day,
What a blessing that we enter the New Year under the influence of the New moon in Capricorn on December 30th.
This is a time to set the groundwork for the next stage and cycle of your life. This is a time to release all the behaviors, addictions, ways of being that has caused you major hurdles in your life.
It’s the perfect time to take stock of exactly what you are feeling about your life, friends, community and be flexible and non judgmental in your flow to becoming the highest expression of yourself In this new cycle. Things that you thought were out of your life may revisit you one more time; you can decide if its worth keeping or just let it go with gratitude and love,
Plant the seeds that will impact your family, friends and even people that you don’t know! Co-create with the world around you by finding the stability required to support your community without trying to figure out the end at the beginning.
Don’t allow the shadow, fears, restlessness to trigger you into feeling inadequate. This new moon is a generous time to set new seeds for your success that will last you and enhance your life this upcoming New Year of 2025. This is a year and cycle where you will have an opportunity to work hard, but not be a workaholic or a person who gives up easily. Time to be honest with ourselves as we receive the rewards of great material, spiritual, and emotional assistance from the world. Don’t be afraid of change. This is a year and cycle where money will not be the end goal but rather the relationships you have nurtured and secured over the years will roll the blessings into your lap.
We are being called to embrace wise leadership and be mature. Using spiritual tools and making sure we make self care a priority will be a great asset.
Receiving insight, readings, spiritual council, rituals and connection to supportive people will be the very things to make you soar during Oya’s number 9 energy for your new transformation.
After myself and the priest of our temple have conducted the spiritual forecast of the Year for The World, The USA, and the Diaspora on January 1, we will be posting it on Yeyefini.com.
Make your appointments for personal Family, business, relationship reading for success of 2025 at https://yeyefini.org/readings/
“A Balanced Life Is A Source For Endless, Abundant Miracles When Mind, Matter, And Spirit Are Aligned”. ~Yeyefini Efunbolade
Listen to Iyalode Yeyefini share a bit about how to prepare for 2025
A Clip of Priestess Oyabunmi from the “Rebuilding, Reconnecting & Reawakening Webinar & Fundraiser” for IIASK.
Click the button and purchase a ticket to access the replay. You will receive the link upon purchase.
1 Spot Available for the Immersive Spiritual Awakening Retreat in April
Send an email to info@yeyefini.com if you are interested in registering for the event.
Subject: Retreat Registration
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