04 Dec Obstacles are not your enemy, it’s your spirit asking to take a fresh look at the situation
Being able to witness god’s grace in spite of the obstacles and tragedies endured by the nation of Rwanda 🇷🇼 has made it one of the cleanest, progressive, safest places I have witnessed in Africa in all of my many travels to the motherland. 57% of the government officials being female, forgiveness and love amongst those who were once enemies has healed a past worth remembering and chronicling in their museums with grace and dignity. I pray other nations be inspired and take note as we seek global peace redemption and understanding of the power of hope, love and forgiveness.
Today take a few minutes to connect to god’s grace through forgiveness, self acceptance and gratitude of all of your obstacles. Obstacles are not your enemy, It is spirit asking to take a look at the situation.
#yeyefinism #yeyefinibalancedliving #yeyefini.com
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