28 Nov REVIEW: Reading of the year 2020
Blessed New Year my devoted YEYEFINI.COM followers!
Over the past 30 plus years, I have shared the Annual Spiritual Forecast that I conduct on January 1. I share with love and respect for the ancient traditions and heritage of the Ifa Global Spiritual practice.
Below is the transcript for The Annual Forecast of the year for The World, The USA, and the Diaspora for 2020.
International Institute of African Studies and Knowledge, Inc.
2020 Reading of the World
by Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade
- Ose Odi He who pays remains free
- Ofun Bara (Ire) A king or royal person. Secrets are not to be told.
- Irosun Ejionle (Ariku) The king dies and a king is born. He who is born for the head should not be left in the tail.
- Odi – Ogunda (Kotojale ) Look at what is in front of your eyes.
- Obara Odi (closed) The dog has four feet but travels only.
- The ceremony/ritual of the year is: Take lots of spiritual baths for balance, peace, optimism, and positivity
- Regular consistent and elaborate ceremonies to Egbe Orun to appease negative malevolent Egbe spirits with fruits, cooked foods, sweets, banana, sugarcane (The malevolent spirits which cause havoc, have survived as lawless men to cause havoc in the life of people. They are elusive, whose powers and personalities fluctuate but whose malevolency tends to constantly remind the people of their presence and their influence. They can plan sinister ideas in their victim’s mind or cause them great confusion. The individuals who share this personality and come from this type of Egbe are amongst us. They are serial killers, rapists, kidnappers, armed robbers, thugs and so on ) Excerpt from the book Egbe Orun Comrades of Heaven written by Ifayemisi Elebuibon.
- This is the year where we have the blessing and opportunity of looking at the world expansively from the perspective of knowing that what we do will set us free.
- Wars are not won by bigger and better guns or weapons, but rather by strategy and insightful planning
- By changing past attitudes and behaviors will connect us to a better opportunity for global harmony
- Take care of your blood
- Do rituals and ceremonies prior to traveling for wellbeing
- If we create a space that we are all connected, we will see rewards if we do the work. What we do will manifest into what we see. (i.e. If we pollute the water, we pollute our food and ourselves)
- We must recognize that we are brothers and sisters, interconnected. Must protect, defend each other from injustice, abuse, neglect, greed if we are to survive and thrive
- Do not categorize ourselves into groups
- Do not complain, step up and do what needs to be done to keep this world balanced. Be the voice for the change that you want to see.
- Revelations, people talking about injustices that will give credibility to that we are one
- Look at what is in front of your eyes; pay attention, open your heart to others, our neighbors, our world as we are all the same. Be vigilant
- Many will see the importance of traveling to different parts of the world, expand their awareness and recognizing the importance of global collaboration
- Do not deplete our resources by ignorance, greed, and sense of entitlement
- Stay focused, not scattered with plans and intentions. Look at the overall picture before making decisions that can affect you personally, globally about, you, your community and the planet
- Take responsibility and know what you want and step into action passionately.
- Confessions and many Pandora boxes being opened up about things from the past can bring about change in the perspective of many of our global leaders.
- Look at what is in front of us; do not get caught up in fear, dogma and confusion
- WE ARE ONE! What you pay forward, you will reap. There is no them or us, we are all together in this world
- Call on the powerful ancestors of the world/ universe for spiritual assistance Ultimately PEACE is what everyone wants; however, war is not the way to attain it.
- Consider small daily activities and choices that will affect change for the better such as turning off lights, heaters, when unnecessary
- Families should come together to strengthen the power of love and bring about healing
- Ritual of the year—Spiritual baths (flower baths, herbal baths, pray over the water before you drink in the morning and at night, call your name)
International Institute of African Studies and Knowledge, Inc
2020 Reading for the United States of America
by Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade
- Irosun Osa Look in front and behind to see where you walk.
- Irosun Ejonle (Ire) He who is born for the head should not be left in the tail.
- Irosun – Ose (ariku) The dead is going around in circles looking for someone to grab.
- Ejionle Obara (mojale) He who swallows the bone pleases the throat.
- Oya Ose (closed)
- Pray for leaders, governors, senators, and all of the people in government. Do meditations and visualize them changing their way of thinking; to think more in terms of unity rather than disconnect.
- Regular consistent and elaborate ceremonies to Egbe Orun to appease negative malevolent Egbe spirits with fruits, cooked foods, sweets, banana, sugarcane (The malevolent spirits which cause havoc, have survived as lawless men to cause havoc in the life of people. They are elusive, whose powers and personalities fluctuate but whose malevolency tends to constantly remind the people of their presence and their influence. They can plan sinister ideas in their victim’s mind or cause them great confusion. The individuals who share this personality and come from this type of Egbe are amongst us. They are serial killers, rapists, kidnappers, armed robbers, thugs and so on ) Excerpt from the book Egbe Orun Comrades of Heaven written by Ifayemisi Elebuibon.
- Send energy prayers. We can affect change, not only by the vote but by aligning with spirit (we can connect to the vibratory change that is going to sustain us so that we can effectively change the world)
- Ogun’s influence is reminding us that we have the power to be the change; our spirit is the power.
- Preparations for fire, storms surges, and flooding would be advised
- Strong positive energy for success for entrepreneurs
- Reflection of the past in some judgments and policies can be used as guidance to approach solutions differently
- Know your rights, be bold, do things that will bring about change in all aspects of our lives
- Encourage and support young people ‘s opinions and point of view as it relates to the things they feel are important to say, speak or do about their choices for the future
- We have to change, look deep inside of our nation and ourselves and take action about it not just reacting
- Things need to be addressed, encourage our youth, and elders must get involved as well
- Act upon; speak towards; demand and expect; be the change as we have the opportunity to be better
- Call on the ancestors to invoke change
- Sending positive energy regularly for the USA and its leaders are recommended Say prayers, visualizations before elections and before Congress makes changes/pass bills
- Make sure our heads are calm, align with the fact that you are divine
- Take classes that will help you connect with spirit (these things will help make America great)
- Be charged up to do the things that we need to d0; be bold; use the yang energy
- Do meditations in front of Ogun
Ritual—meditate and come together in groups to make affirmative statements, set intentions, and meditations seasonally to invoke the power of the spirit to change anything. Be consistent it will make a difference.
2020 Reading for Africans in the Diaspora
Irosun Bara
Obara Meiji (Ire)
Ofun sa (Aiye)
Obara Osun (kotojale)
Obara se (closed)
Osa ode (find a tree in our yard/neighborhood to make offerings to, to invoke the ancestors)
Proverb—The orange is round but you have to cut it open
Proverb—Cats walk on fences men do not
Proverb—He who dies does not die like he who does not know
Proverb—Cleanse your body before you cleanse your neighbors
Proverb—The prince is crowned while the king dies
Proverb—The bell rings loudest in your own home.
- Give thanks to their ancestors for all they have done in bringing us forward
- Time for us to look deep inside as to what is working or not as it pertains to the safety, protection, and wellbeing of African descendent people
- The African descendants who live in America are the wealthiest as a group
- Every person has their own social identity, their own racial, sexual, political, and cultural soul; their own expressions and aspects that make us who we are (i.e. African-American born in the Diaspora
- The African descended Americans living in the Diaspora are one of the largest and most financially secure groups of people in comparison to other African descended people They are the most educated, has the most potential and the most ability to make a change and make a difference when they realize it and come together.
- We have to know our power in order to make sense of how we ended up in America, to make sense of the power that we have, and to make sense of how the world has changed due to the African
- (Ireson bara) Africans in the Diaspora have so much however, we have to look inside and see what is not working. We have to ask ourselves, “what is not working internally for us?” and “what is not working for the legacy are we handing down to our future generations?”
- Cut ourselves open (the orange) and acknowledge and recognize the power that we have and NOT the failure that the world would love for some to believe who we are. We have to recognize and make the world acknowledge the contribution of the development of America through the enslavement of the African brought to the western hemisphere We have the power and the money
- so what are we going to do with it?
- Be bold, step out! Count on the sacrifice of the African ancestors
- We should make a conscious effort to once again establish successfully, respected learning institutions, banks, thriving businesses as we once did in America by coming together with a far-reaching successful financial plan
- Use the power of the ancestral culture and knowledge to create $1 a day financial pools to establish financial foundations for community development
- African spiritual practices will save our people.
- Ofun sa~Positive energy is coming from the world, directly from the ancestors.
- Many will have dreams that will manifest in the community. Pay attention to the dreams that you have that has to do with your community, your leaders, yourselves. Invoke past ancestors who. Honor the work that was done to bring about change.
- Take care of yourself. Clean up your own tables. Dress yourself first, then others.
- Your charge–Great time to create schools for the growing community of African Traditional Spiritual practitioners here in the Diaspora
Ritual—feed the ocean. That is where our wealth is and where we will get our wealth and power. Pour libation at the ocean and pray and honor our ancestors who’re bones still lay at the bottom of the sea. Pray for our families, ourselves, and the children.
Feed a tree in your community/yard. Write notes, give food offerings, money, candles to the ancestors. Ask for the safety of our children’s safety at school, in the street and at home.
Invocation and Prayer for success and healing of each other and the world
From Fire in The Soul p 186. Joan Borysenko
“May I be at peace. May I know the beauty of my own true nature. May my heart remain open. May I be healed.”
Call to mind one or several friends or loved ones in as much detail as you can……See them in the circle of light and focus on them with great respect and love……
“May you be at peace. May you know the beauty of your own true nature. May your heart remain open. May you be healed.”
Call to mind one or more people that you feel in conflict with. See them standing in the light……
“May you be at peace. May you know the beauty of your own true nature. May your heart be open. May you be healed.”
See our delicate planet, suspended like a jewel in the velvet blackness of space. Her white clouds, blue waters, and green continents…… Imagine her fiery core, majestic mountains, plants, and animals……a living, breathing being of light.
“May there be peace on earth. May the hearts of all beings be open to one another. May all life reach its fullest potential. May all life reflect the glory of the light.”
Once again, feel yourself surrounded, enfolded and illuminated by the circle of light……If there is anything in your heart that you need to say to God, do so now……
Dear One, Father/Mother of All, thank you for the gift of life. Amen
Davina Estrella Ramey
Posted at 13:35h, 29 NovemberAboru Aboye Abosise Give thanks Iya that was beautiful. I look Forward to the next Years Reading 💖
Yakitah,Jones Oya -Bey
Posted at 04:16h, 02 DecemberSo beautiful, is the reminder of who we are, who we suppose to be, remembering our ancestors known and unknown and what we must be doing as of right now, to bring peace at home and abroad.
I loved the readings, as it rescinated with my spirit at large.
Peace and Prosperity to all the Kings , Queens and Readers who has the family of us at heart.
Asante’ Sana