Saying Farewell to 2022 as we welcome 2023

Saying Farewell to 2022 as we welcome 2023

Saying farewell to 2022 and welcoming 2023.
If people haven’t been fair, you’ve been fighting financial difficulties, fighting health issues or feelings threatened by enemies …Remember, the enemies and oppositions facing you are just a reminder that your enemies wouldn’t be fighting that hard unless they saw the power within you.
Every negative force is a sign that victory is coming sooner than you think
Step into the new year believing the power of your ancestors, spirit and God’s grace on you
Your enemies cannot stop you.
The fact that you are still here today, means that you have a big destiny and purpose right around the new corner.
Make a list of 3 situations you faced this year that you overcame and burn it sayin…I am free within and without. Throw the burnt paper in your toilet and flush it down.
I declare this new year to be a revelation of our power and everlasting divine protection.
Have a blessed 2023
Today, clean out your home by smudging with frankincense, onion skins, garlic skins. Open your windows and doors. Throw out your old brooms and vacuum cleaner bags. Add basil and florida water to a bucket of water, pray as you wipe your floors from the back room to the front door. Speak a blessing into your home for the new year… Affirmation:
“ Every disappointment has been god’s assignment … and for this I am blessed”
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