Surrendering doesn’t mean not having control

Surrendering doesn’t mean not having control

Blessed new day. Entering the energy of Sagittarius can be scary I share with you my astrological forecast from a website i i follow, known as ASTROLOGY ANSWERS. i think it speaks volumes for many of us

“Sometimes there are things beyond our control that we can control and there are things beyond our control that we truly can’t control. If this sounds a little confusing let me explain; control comes in all different shapes and sizes, as it often really is more of a mental state than something clearly defined 

When you realize that control isn’t something definite, something concrete, it becomes easier to deal with issues of what you can and can’t control, and for that matter whether you desire control over something or don’t want to touch it with a ten-foot poll.

Sometimes we don’t get clarity on these kinds of matters until it’s too late but today the planets are bringing you an opportunity to get clear on something before you move too far. Take your time and explore every option, turn over every stone, climb every mountain… you get the idea. Take your time and you’ll get the kind of control you desire, 

This is a great day to schedule your new Year reading or End of year readings as we walk into the Upcoming New Year

Hope to see you registered for my December 18,2024 upcoming webinar/ Fund Raiser REBUILDING RECONNECTING & REAWAKENING

I share intimate things of how I came to be where I am today in my life


Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade

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