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Blessed Full Moon my friends Congratulations to the students of the 2022-2023 IIASK and SEIE experience.They were remarkable in their transformation and purification of 7 generations of their family lineage. Congratulations also goes out to the facilitators who were last years students and now...

Please Join me for the #AskYeyefini Show on Wednesday, 9/20 at 7p EST as we Honor Oya during the month of September Autumnal Equinox Fast and Fall season. We give homage to the Orisha Oya, Egungun energy of change, death, passion and truth in the...

Queen Mother Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade is an initiated priestess of Obatala, Ifa, Osun, Egbe, Egungun & Palo Mayombe. She is a gifted and experienced diviner, author, cultural consultant, teacher, lecturer amongst many other responsibilities. Iyalode Yeyefini joins us to share her wealth of wisdom. Focusing on...

Happy Full moon in Pisces my friend. During this FILLEM Up cycle you need to “shield your field.” Setting healthy boundaries is essential to your sanity—and yes, wearing certain crystals or a protective talisman can help. Clearing rituals, like burning sage, spiritual herbal or salt...

Blessed new month, Full moon and the time to connect to Obatala in you! I am always exited to ring in the 8th month of the year. It is both my cardinal birthday month and the anniversary of my initiation into the mysteries of the Great...

This is a Perfect Time To Get Into A Consistent Meditation Practice LEARN MORE & PURCHASE UPCOMING CLASSES Mediumship Training & SEIE Are Now Open for Registration! Lock in Your Spot Today! Today wave farewell to Aries and jump into Taurus and the House of Songo - the energy of...

Alafiaaaaaaa my friends and Orisa family! It’s that time again for me to celebrate with you in gratitude and love. On August 26th, 1971, I was honored by receiving the most precious gift of my life, my ordination into the priesthood of Obatala. Thanks very much for...

You are Power-Filled!!!!  I am so blessed and happy to share my newsletter with you this month!  I thank you for allowing me to serve you as I share my passion and love of  spirit and my life's  work with you. The month of May is...

Awakening the Ogun In You Last month many of us committed to the Spring Equinox Detox Fast for Renewal and Rebirth in honor of the Spring Equinox and the end of the winter season. If you haven't done so yet, this is a good time to get started...

Alafia, And Welcome to 2021! With great honor, we give you the African Diasporic reading of the year completed on January 1st, 2021, By Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade and priests from the International Institute of African Studies and Knowledge Inc. The guidance for this year comes from the...