29 Mar The slap heard around the world
Monday, Martes, Ose Ogun,Osossi, Orisa Oko 3/28/2022=19=1 day. Starting over, realigning and checking ourselves for some of the things we didn’t accomplish in our last 9 day cycle. Globally we’ve completed the first 3 months of the 2022 year, and for some it has been easy and for some it has been challenging.Take the opportunity at this time to reflect without judgement and see how far we have come with completing the goals, resolutions or the intentions we set for ourselves in January. Orisa Oko the father of agriculture and receiving the harvest of our efforts welcomes us to plant the seed in the gardens of our life. Ogun and Osossi have cleared the paths for us to be courageous and not be lazyThe reading of the year spoke to the importance of taking care of our mental health, the mental health of the men in our lives. Last night’s Oscar Awards celebration we witnessed an incident where two actors displayed in my opinion a need for addressing some of the mental health issues mentioned in the reading of the year available on Yeyefini.com under events and YouTube https://youtu.be/C2gWVNWzv4EThis past month I saw the need for me to take a 6 week vacation to save my mental and physical wellness. Many of us, myself included may have missed some important cues as to how much the past 2 years of Corvid isolation played a part in our lives. I knew if I did not get away, shut down, withdraw and give myself what I needed from myself I would not be able to show up as is required as a mother, grandmother, godmother teacher, priestess, friend, and human being. It’s important and wise to give ourself permission to be kind to ourself, heal ourself and be at peace.During this April Ogun an Osossi cycle please give yourself permission to be courageous, go within, slice away any toxic, unhealed parts of yourself. Being aware of the need for healing is the first step to aligning ourself to our inner and outer light. This is a good time to set a 21 day intention for daily Yemonja meditation ( available on my website)to release feelings of shame, guilt, self judgement, emotional trauma and unresolved triggers.The monthly YouTube, Instagram, Facebook live Ask Yeyefini Show on April, 3, 2022 is going to be very special. 7:00 pm, EstGuest on the Show areWise Enrichment Group Founder andVerona Spence-Adofo co-founder of Ancestral voicesMy 2 guest will be delving deep into the courage, dedication, unwavering commitment required to be a lighthouse for our community’s spiritual, financial, emotional development and expansion. They unapologetically address some of the sensitive issues we avoid speaking publicly at times in our community. They will offer tools to assist in adding value to the experienceFor those interested in getting a spiritual consultation/reading from me will find new options available on the website.I am happy and proud to announce the availability of Priestess Efunlayo Maxey and Priestess Oyabunmi De Rosario will be part of the staff and available to do spiritual consultations/readings/ceremonies for you.In our life we are tested by our biggest weakness.Spirit brings things to us to see how we function under pressure. Obatala opens clear the impurities of our heart as a tool to strengthens our character.Obatala’s rewards comes sweetly after many test and struggles.Today breath deeply, love unconditionally, live intentionally and let’s be kind to each other and ourself .“A Balanced Life Is A Source For Endless, Abundant Miracles When Mind, Matter, And Spirit Are Aligned”. ~Yeyefini Efunbolade
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