Author: yeyefini

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Are you living your true destiny Are you living with passion Are you living an abundant life Are you living in gratitude Are you living in alignment with your purpose Is love the end goal of all of your actions These are some of the questions...

Blessed Full moon in Scorpio my dear friends. Time to sit under the rays of the moon, give thanks to the moon,  leave an offering under a tree in your yard for her, bless yourself, know your worth and pour self love into yourself unapologeticallyFull...

We are Back!! We are excited to announce that the Osun IBUAIYE Meditation Group is returning on Saturday, May 29th. We will be meeting once a month, with each session being a 90-minute open session. This means that you can join anytime that you are ready!The...

You don't want to miss this electrifying, informative, thought provoking spiritual  RE-BROADCAST show. This Month's features are 3 very respected and successful priests and priestess of the Lukumi faith; Oba Ernesto Pichardo, Oriate Daniel Rodriquez, Bridget Thomas . They will share with you their life journey...

You are Power-Filled!!!!  I am so blessed and happy to share my newsletter with you this month!  I thank you for allowing me to serve you as I share my passion and love of  spirit and my life's  work with you. The month of May is...

Blessed New Moon my friend. Walk right into your sense of self, self worth and glide into everything you deserve unapologetically. You deserve to have all of your heart’s desires. We each have a special unique destiny gift and purpose ...

Awakening the Ogun In You Last month many of us committed to the Spring Equinox Detox Fast for Renewal and Rebirth in honor of the Spring Equinox and the end of the winter season. If you haven't done so yet, this is a good time to get started...