Spiritual Forecast for the World 2024

Spiritual Forecast for the World 2024


OBARA OWORIN – (OPENING) Avoid being a slave to envy.

EJIONLE DI – (IRE) There are no roses without thorns.

ODI OSE (ARIKU) One is absolved through lack of proof. All things are good to eat, but not all things are good to say.

OBARA IROSUN (KOTOJALE) Always give respect to the Orishas. 



NUMBER 8 YEAR of blessings and expansion.


  • Avoid becoming a slave to envy and stay away from people who are envious of you.
  • Do not argue, fight, or gossip.
  • To avoid Osobo or negativity, stay away from those who you know harbor evil and jealousy in their hearts to ease the power and pressure of this ODU.
  • Stay away from argumentative people and don’t be argumentative yourself.
  • Do lots of cleansings in front of Esu/Elegba (if you don’t have Esu, go to Yeyefini’s YouTube site to see how to set up an Esu/Elegba altar).
  • There may be Rumors of war so protect yourself accordingly.
  • He who doesn’t know dies, while he who does know lives.
  • When gold speaks, men become mute.
  • The one who scolds a person with the past, reveals his own dark secrets.
  • Say something once and only once.
  • All the fingers are brothers of the same hand and none can work alone or separate, we must find a way of finding peace on earth.



  • This is a very powerful year in which truths will be revealed.  Tell yourself the truth so that you can carry your own crown.  Everyone has to carry their own crown, so make sure your crown is shining, whatever is required to keep your crown shining, do that (i.e., rituals, staying connected to community, understanding your purpose/destiny).
  • Bless your head daily so as to avoid confusion.
  • White is a good color to wear this year to keep us focused on peace.
  • Avoid being a slave to envy.  Be mindful and stay steadfast in focusing on what you have (not wishing you had something else).
  • Take care of yourself – so nothing will “pop up” and surprise you.
  • Make connection with your spiritual family, the ones of your belief system who support you.  Make sure that you connect with this system and not compare.
  • Meditations with and for yourself, with your family, and with your community will be very helpful. 
  • When gathering as a community – meditation should be the first thing done after greeting each other with hugs.
  • It is important to know the effect that we have on the world when we express ourselves through the way that we dress.
  • Do not get into combative arguments.
  • Pray that leaders of all countries recognize the importance of peace over wars. 
  • Many truths will be revealed in the institution of marriage, this is an opportunity to look at marriage in a different way.
  • Prepare your home for medical emergencies (first aid kits, etc).
  • Follow your intuitions/insights, don’t disregard them. Keep a log of things that come to you spiritually and track how your intuition grows this year. 
  • Place a white flag both, inside and outside of your home to attract the energy of Obatala for peace and harmony.
  • To attract the energy of Sango, place a red and white flag inside your home.



  • If you will be taking aircraft transportation (flying), prior to travel, make sure you do ebos/rituals to your ancestors and for protection of yourself.
  • Take care of our waterways, beaches, rivers, etc by cleaning them up throughout the year. 
  • Take cleansing baths in a mixture of waters (i.e. rain, river, ocean waters) to keep your head calm and cool. 
  • Feed Obatala often.
  • Feed your Ori (head) often.

*For ceremonies, etc.  go to www.yeyefini.com or watch Yeyefini YouTube videos.

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