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Spiritual Forecast for USA 2024 conducted by INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AFRICAN STUDIES AND KNOWLEDGE .Inc and Yeyefini.com Balance Living. Inc  Odus Ofun Sa – (Opening) Cleanse your body before you cleanse your neighbor’s. Ose Sa – (Ayewo) The good child is a blessing to God & its mother. Ofun...

ODUs OBARA OWORIN - (OPENING) Avoid being a slave to envy. EJIONLE DI - (IRE) There are no roses without thorns. ODI OSE (ARIKU) One is absolved through lack of proof. All things are good to eat, but not all things are good to say. OBARA IROSUN (KOTOJALE) Always give respect...

  Alaafia my Friend! The month of November is the beginning of the traditional Holiday season in the U.S. and around the world. For many, this is a very wonderful time for rekindling family live; however for some it can be a stressful time. The thought and...

Alafia and blessings my IIASK family. This past Sunday I completely forgot about our monthly 2nd Sunday worship service In all honesty, I have been so busy with a lot of things, especially preparing and completing initiations, classes and workshops in an attempt at doing them all...

Blessed Full Moon my friends Congratulations to the students of the 2022-2023 IIASK and Yeyefini.com SEIE experience.They were remarkable in their transformation and purification of 7 generations of their family lineage. Congratulations also goes out to the facilitators who were last years students and now...

Please Join me for the #AskYeyefini Show on Wednesday, 9/20 at 7p EST as we Honor Oya during the month of September Autumnal Equinox Fast and Fall season. We give homage to the Orisha Oya, Egungun energy of change, death, passion and truth in the...

Queen Mother Iyalode Yeyefini Efunbolade is an initiated priestess of Obatala, Ifa, Osun, Egbe, Egungun & Palo Mayombe. She is a gifted and experienced diviner, author, cultural consultant, teacher, lecturer amongst many other responsibilities. Iyalode Yeyefini joins us to share her wealth of wisdom. Focusing on...

Happy Full moon in Pisces my friend. During this FILLEM Up cycle you need to “shield your field.” Setting healthy boundaries is essential to your sanity—and yes, wearing certain crystals or a protective talisman can help. Clearing rituals, like burning sage, spiritual herbal or salt...

Blessed new month, Full moon and the time to connect to Obatala in you! I am always exited to ring in the 8th month of the year. It is both my cardinal birthday month and the anniversary of my initiation into the mysteries of the Great...

One of the questions I receive most is regarding our Ancestors - why we honor them and how do we go about honoring them. I am excited to share this information with you. Whether you are already practicing, starting your journey into African Traditional Religion or...